
Crystal-studded shoes, emeralds the size of quails' eggs and a bouquet made of JEWELS: Sultan of Brunei's son celebrates wedding with mind-boggling splendour Crystal-studded shoes, emeralds the size of quails' eggs and a bouquet made of JEWELS: Sultan of Brunei's son celebrates wedding with mind-boggling splendour Reviewed by The Foxo on 8:28 AM Rating: 5

To die for gold

Admin 3:24 PM
Former gold miners in South Africa can now sue the mining company for health damage caused at work.    So he decided a court in Johannesb...Read More
To die for gold To die for gold Reviewed by Admin on 3:24 PM Rating: 5
The killing of Hezbollah commander, the movement accuses Syrian rebels The killing of Hezbollah commander, the movement accuses Syrian rebels Reviewed by Admin on 3:15 PM Rating: 5
China continues expansion with artificial islands, the US raise concern China continues expansion with artificial islands, the US raise concern Reviewed by Admin on 3:11 PM Rating: 5
Belgium, under the supervision of 60 soldiers radicalized Belgium, under the supervision of 60 soldiers radicalized Reviewed by Admin on 3:12 PM Rating: 5
Russia, the mass brawl in the cemetery in Moscow casualties Russia, the mass brawl in the cemetery in Moscow casualties Reviewed by Admin on 3:16 PM Rating: 5
Hollande: Boko Haram remains a serious threat Hollande: Boko Haram remains a serious threat Reviewed by Admin on 3:17 PM Rating: 5
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