To die for gold

Former gold miners in South Africa can now sue the mining company for health damage caused at work.
 So he decided a court in Johannesburg, paving the way for greater collective actions in the history of South Africa. Former miners say that after years of working in the mines are all sick with silicosis, an incurable lung disease. According to the court in Johannesburg, collective lawsuit was the only realistic option to resolve this issue. Experts say that the issue is now expected to launch that can last for years, but former miners have described as a victory given the opportunity to sue their former employers. South African media write that among the main defendants will be Anglo-American companies, Anglogold Ashanti and Gold Fields, "Harmony Gold". In a joint statement, the companies said the decision to put the issue of trial does not indicate that former miners are entitled. But, on the other hand, the legal representatives of former miners say that this decision is the first step to obtain justice. One of the companies involved in this matter, "Anglo-American" in a separate indictment with 400 miners reached an agreement by compensating them with 30 million dollars. It is not clear whether the actual issue will be resolved outside of court, but experts say that for the miners waiting for years while their health deteriorates, this would be a good solution. Silicosis, which is caused by the inhalation of dust found in rocks that hold gold, can bring TB. According to the court in Johannesburg, the mining companies are aware and have received over the years that many miners have lost their lives due to this disease.
To die for gold To die for gold Reviewed by Admin on 3:24 PM Rating: 5

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