The situation is still unclear, but Somali authorities confirmed the overthrow of a ship with 400 immigrants on board, most of the country, what feeds the fear that some of them can be drowned in the waters of the Mediterranean. The disaster was not far consumed an Egyptian coast. It is learned that some of the survivors were sent to one of the Greek islands. Tragedy confirmed Italian President Sergio Mattarella. "We need to reflect especially today when we are faced with another tragedy, which marked hundreds of victims, the very day when we commemorate the first year of another incident of heavy shipwreck that cost the lives 800 people," said Mattarella . Plot 18 thousand people, than testify to UN data, are trying to pass this year in Europe by sea, the 800-s of them, this attempt has cost lives. Returning rrezishëm Mediterranean itinerary was announced soon after the closing of the Balkan route and signing of the EU-Turkey. Only in Libya are tens of thousands of people who expect the opportunity to travel to Italy. Efforts to curb the influx of migrants to the old continent have managed to reduce the flow somewhat, but not to stop completely, while warmer weather is likely to significantly renew the illegal departure of ships in the Mediterranean. Some experts believe that, in the long run, the situation can be only one solution, and that is that the EU create legal opportunity to settle in Europe through humanitarian programs, family reunification visas.
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